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At Goleudy our giving is in response to Jesus giving himself for each one of us. (Mark 10:45)


Firstly, we give ourselves by serving God, serving one another and serving our community.


Secondly, we give of our money through our tithes and offerings. If you would like to make a financial donation to the work of Goleudy you can find the details below, or contact our treasurer at


Standing Order/Bank Transfer


If you would like to set up a standing order, or make a bank transfer, please contact your bank and use the details below.


Account Name:  Goleudy Community Church

Account Number:  12052431

Bank: HSBC

Sort Code: 403731


Giving as part of our Sunday gathering

At any Sunday Gathering there is an opportunity to give in person with cash or by cheque made payable to Goleudy Community Church.

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